One day ,while browsing on the computer for ideas to do some cookies, I came across a whole slew of people doing them. My, they were beautiful! "I can do that" I thot to myself. And thus started my journey. It surely has been fun. And a good(and smart) husband likes having a happy works to EVERYONE'S benefit. ;) Mine is no exception...he's the one who said one day.."I bought you an early birthday present to use on your cookies." Three or 4 days later, a Canon printer, and an order of sugar sheets showed up at our front door.
So, yes, I've cheated...sort of. These aren't truely "hand decorated" cookies, but they are still tasty, and beautiful. I need to work on the trims a bit...not especially happy with those, but I will get there.
If you have a supportive and enthusiastic hubby, or maybe someone else who cheers you on, and helps when they can...tell them how much you appreciate them.